The Negotiator's Way™

How to Get What You Really Want

Negotiations for Nice People

You negotiate everyday—from difficult discussions with bosses, clients, and subordinates to disagreements over project goals to lucrative raises and promotions. How can you walk away from these interactions with what you want while at the same time leaving important relationships intact?

Dr. Michele Williams

Henry B. Tippie Research Fellow in Entrepreneurship Smith Family Business Scholar

Art of Saying NO & YES

3 Steps to Regaining your Time, Focus, and Power without Damaging your Relationships.

Are you overcommitted? Do coworkers take advantage of your help and generosity? Do you find yourself staying up late to complete tasks as favors to others? If you answered yes to most of these questions, this is for you.

Building Community

HR Retreat University of Iowa May 11, June 9

Both educational institutions and corporate organizations are striving to build Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice into their day-to-day operations; however, inclusion continues to be an elusive concept.

Leading During Uncertainty

Sensemaking Is Critical for Navigating Complexity

Many leadership models are missing a key ingredient: sensemaking, the capability for navigating change and planning through uncertainty.

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Dr. Williams
Speaks on Women and Entrepreneurship

Advanced Negotiation

Leading Innovative, High Performing Work Relationships with Negotiation Tactics

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